Sustainability in the Global Power Industry 20112012: Market Trends and Opportunities, Profitability and Budget Forecasts, Power Industry Procurement and Marketing Initiatives
The report is based on primary surveys conducted by ICD Research accessing its B2B panels comprised of senior business decision makers. The opinions and forward looking statements on sustainability management of 324 industry executives are captured in our in-depth survey, of which 61% represent directors, C-level executives and departmental heads.
The geographical scope of the research is global drawing on the activity and expectations of leading industry players across the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa and Middle East.
The report analyzes expenditure of hotel industry buyers on sustainability, sustainable procurement practices and critical factors that influence supplier selection.
Key topics covered include category-level spending outlooks, market-specific growth opportunities, investment opportunities and principal challenges associated with the implementation of sustainable practices.
In this report, buyers identify their sustainable procurement budgets; along with essential sustainability measures that influence supplier selection
The report provides extensive analysis on effective promotional channels and major drivers of green marketing, along with the key features of marketing green credentials.
The report provides qualitative analysis of key industry opportunities and threats and also contains the full survey results.
Sustainability in the Global Power Industry 20112012: Market Trends and Opportunities, Profitability and Budget Forecasts, Power Industry Procurement and Marketing Initiatives is a new report by ICD Research that analyzes how companies in the power industry perceive sustainability. The report contains in-depth analysis on the principal drivers and challenges with regards to sustainability plus the market-specific growth opportunities associated with the implementation of sustainable practices. It also benchmarks successful sustainable initiatives and energy-efficiency measures adopted by various companies. This report also examines the impact of sustainability on profits and cost saving targets set by companies. It also analyzes the procurement strategies and practices being undertaken; category-level spending outlooks; changes in sustainable procurement budgets; supplier selection criteria and investment opportunities available for leading purchase decision makers. The report identifies key drivers and practices of green marketing, and the channels used to effectively market green credentials.
The report features the opinions of power industry respondents related to the following:
What sustainability means to the industry
Factors that drive sustainability measures
Barriers that confront effective implementation of sustainability.
Sustainable and energy efficiency measures and their impact on profitability.
Metrics used for the measurement of sustainability performance.
Procurement of sustainable materials.
Demand for sustainable products and services, including markets that will drive growth.
Changes expected in sustainability budgets and cost saving targets.
Methods of marketing green credentials and the use of media channels.
Sustainability leaders.
Drive revenues by understanding future sustainable product investment areas and growth regions
Formulate effective sales and marketing strategies by identifying buyer sustainability budgets and areas of investment.
Better promote your business by aligning capabilities and business practices with the changing sustainability needs of customers.
Uncover the business outlook, key sustainability challenges and opportunities
Understand the effect of sustainability on other players and competitors in the industry.
Benchmark sustainable initiatives with key industry leaders and identify major trends that affect the industry.
Secure stronger customer relationships by understanding the leading business concerns and changing strategies of buyers.
Identify specific green marketing channels your competitors are using to win business.
Key Highlights
Energy cost savings and operational efficiency, strengthening competitive position and building brand image and growth of clean energy and renewables are major drivers influencing sustainability efforts in the power industry.
Survey results show that 38% of power industry suppliers expect to see an increase in profitability over the next 12 months due to implementation of sustainability.
Effective health and safety (EHS) management system and reduction of energy consumption are critical sustainability criteria for supplier selection.
1.1 What is this report about?
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Methodology
1) Online Survey
2) Secondary Research
3) Data Analysis and Report Writing
4) Quality Control
1.4 Profile of survey respondents
1.4.1 Profile of buyer respondents
1.4.2 Profile of supplier respondents
2 Executive Summary
3 Sustainability in the Power Industry
3.1 Perception of sustainability
3.1.1 Perception of sustainability - buyers
3.1.2 Perception of sustainability - suppliers
3.1.3 Perception of sustainability - region
3.1.4 Perception of sustainability - turnover
3.2 Sustainability in business functions
3.2.1 Sustainability in business functions - buyers
3.2.2 Sustainability in business functions - suppliers
3.2.3 Sustainability in business functions - region
3.2.4 Sustainability in business functions - turnover
3.3 Key drivers of sustainability
3.3.1 Key drivers of sustainability - buyers
3.3.2 Key drivers of sustainability - suppliers
3.3.3 Key drivers of sustainability - region
3.3.4 Key drivers of sustainability - turnover
3.4 Major barriers to sustainability
3.4.1 Major barriers to sustainability - buyers
3.4.2 Major barriers to sustainability - suppliers
3.4.3 Major barriers to sustainability - region
3.4.4 Major barriers to sustainability - turnover
3.5 Initiatives to overcome sustainability barriers
3.6 Key markets for growth
3.6.1 Key markets for growth - buyers
3.6.2 Key markets for growth - suppliers
3.6.3 Key markets for growth - region
3.6.4 Key Markets for Growth - Turnover
4 Implementation of Sustainability
4.1 Organizational pre-requisites for sustainability
4.1.1 Organizational pre-requisites for sustainability - buyers
4.1.2 Organizational pre-requisites for sustainability - suppliers
4.1.3 Organizational pre-requisites for sustainability - region
4.1.4 Organizational pre-requisites for sustainability - turnover
4.2 Implementation of sustainable measures
4.2.1 Implementation of sustainable measures - buyers
4.2.2 Implementation of sustainable measures - suppliers
4.2.3 Implementation of sustainable measures - region
4.2.4 Implementation of sustainable measures - turnover
4.3 Key energy efficiency measures
4.3.1 Key energy efficiency measures - buyers
4.3.2 Key energy efficiency measures - suppliers
4.3.3 Key energy efficiency measures - region
4.3.4 Key energy efficiency measures - turnover
4.4 Effective monitoring of sustainability
4.4.1 Effective monitoring of sustainability - buyers
4.4.2 Effective monitoring of sustainability - suppliers
4.4.3 Effective monitoring of sustainability - region
4.4.4 Effective monitoring of sustainability - turnover
5 Financial Implications of Sustainability
5.1 Cost saving expectations
5.1.1 Cost saving expectations - buyers
5.1.2 Cost saving expectations - suppliers
5.1.3 Cost saving expectations - region
5.1.4 Cost saving expectations - turnover
5.2 Impact of sustainability on profits
5.2.1 Impact of sustainability on profits - buyers
5.2.2 Impact of sustainability on profits - suppliers
5.2.3 Impact of sustainability on profits - region
5.2.4 Impact of sustainability on profits - turnover
5.3 Planned change in sustainability budgets
5.3.1 Planned change in sustainability budgets - buyers
5.3.2 Planned change in sustainability budgets - suppliers
5.3.3 Planned change in sustainability budgets - region
5.3.4 Planned change in sustainability budgets - turnover
6 Sustainable Procurement
6.1 Critical factors for supplier selection
6.1.1 Critical factors for supplier selection - buyers
6.1.2 Critical factors for supplier selection - region
6.1.3 Critical factors for supplier selection - turnover
6.1.4 Critical factors for supplier selection - senior level respondents
6.2 Level of supplier engagement
6.2.1 Level of supplier engagement - region
6.2.2 Level of supplier engagement - turnover
6.3 Expenditure on sustainable procurement
6.3.1 Expenditure on Sustainable Procurement - region
6.3.2 Expenditure on Sustainable Procurement - turnover
6.3.3 Expenditure on sustainable procurement vs. profitability
6.4 Attributes of green procurement
6.4.1 Attributes of green procurement - buyers
6.4.2 Attributes of green procurement - region
6.4.3 Attributes of green procurement - turnover
6.5 Procurement of sustainable products and services
6.5.1 Procurement of sustainable products and services - buyers
6.5.2 Procurement of sustainable products and services region
6.5.3 Procurement of sustainable products and services - turnover
7 Marketing Green Initiatives
7.1 Drivers of green marketing
7.1.1 Drivers of green marketing - region
7.1.2 Drivers of green marketing - turnover
7.2 Marketing of green credentials
7.2.1 Marketing of green credentials - region
7.2.2 Marketing of green credentials - turnover
7.3 Effective channels of promotion
7.3.1 Effective channels of promotion - region
7.3.2 Effective channels of promotion - turnover
7.4 Industry leaders in sustainability
8 Appendix
8.1 Full survey results
8.2 Methodology
8.3 Contact us
8.4 About ICD Research
8.5 Disclaimer
Table 2: Buyer Respondents: Job Role (%), 2011
Table 3: Buyer Respondents: Global Turnover (%), 2011
Table 4: Buyer Respondents: Region (%), 2011
Table 5: Supplier Respondents: Job Role (%), 2011
Table 6: Supplier Respondents: Global Turnover (%), 2011
Table 7: Supplier Respondents: Region (%), 2011
Table 8: Perception of sustainability buyers
Table 9: Perception of Sustainability: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 10: Perception of Sustainability: Region (%), 20112012
Table 11: Perception of Sustainability: Turnover (%), 20112012
Table 12: Sustainability in Business Functions: Buyers (%), 20112012
Table 13: Sustainability in business functions - suppliers
Table 14: Key Drivers of Sustainability: Buyers (%), 20112012
Table 15: Key Drivers of Sustainability: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 16: Key Drivers of Sustainability: Region (%), 20112012
Table 17: Key Drivers of Sustainability: Turnover (%), 20112012
Table 18: Major Barriers to Sustainability: Buyers (%), 20112012
Table 19: Major Barriers to Sustainability: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 20: Major Barriers to Sustainability: Region (%), 20112012
Table 21: Major Barriers to Sustainability: Turnover (%), 20112012
Table 22: Initiatives to Overcome Sustainability Barriers: Overall, 20112012
Table 23: Key Markets for Growth: Fossil Fuel Power Generation Companies (%), 20112012
Table 24: Key Markets for Growth: Other Power Generation Companies (%), 20112012
Table 25: Key Markets for Growth: Power Industry Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 26: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Buyers (%), 20112012
Table 27: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 28: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Region (%), 20112012
Table 29: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Turnover (%), 20112012
Table 30: Implementation of Sustainable Measures: Fossil Fuel Power Companies (%), 20112012
Table 31: Implementation of Sustainable Measures: Other Power Companies (%), 20112012
Table 32: Implementation of Sustainable Measures: Power Industry Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 33: Key Energy Efficiency Measures: Fossil Fuel Power Generation Companies (%), 20112012
Table 34: Key Energy Efficiency Measures: Other Power Generation Companies (%), 20112012
Table 35: Key Energy Efficiency Measures: Power Industry Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 36: Key Energy Efficiency Measures: Region (%), 20112012
Table 37: Key Energy Efficiency Measures: Turnover (%), 20112012
Table 38: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability: Power Industry Buyers (%), 20112012
Table 39: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability: Power Industry Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 40: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability: Region (%), 20112012
Table 41: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability: Turnover (%), 20112012
Table 42: Cost Saving Expectations: Buyers (%), 20112012
Table 43: Cost Saving Expectations: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 44: Cost Saving Expectations: Region (%), 20112012
Table 45: Cost Saving Expectations: Turnover (%), 20112012
Table 46: Impact of Sustainability on Profits of Buyers (%), 20112012
Table 47: Impact of Sustainability on Profits of Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 48: Impact of Sustainability on Profits of Region (%), 20112012
Table 49: Impact of Sustainability on Profits of Turnover (%), 20112012
Table 50: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Buyers (%), 20112012
Table 51: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 52: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Region (%), 20112012
Table 53: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Turnover (%), 20112012
Table 54: Critical Factors for Supplier Selection: Fossil Fuel Power Generation Companies (%), 2011
Table 55: Critical Factors for Supplier Selection: Other Power Generation Companies (%), 2011
Table 56: Level of Supplier Engagement - Buyers (%), 2011
Table 57: Level of Supplier Engagement: Region (%), 2011
Table 58: Level of Supplier Engagement: Turnover (%), 2011
Table 59: Expenditure on Sustainable Procurement - Buyers (%), 2011
Table 60: Expenditure on Sustainable Procurement : Region (%), 2011
Table 61: Expenditure on Sustainable Procurement : Turnover (%), 2011
Table 62: Expenditure on Sustainable Procurement vs. Profitability (%), 2011
Table 63: Attributes of Green Procurement: Fossil Fuel Power Generation Companies (%), 20112012
Table 64: Attributes of Green Procurement: Other Power Generation Companies (%), 20112012
Table 65: Procurement of Sustainable Products and Services: Power Industry Buyers (%), 20112012
Table 66: Drivers of Green Marketing: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 67: Drivers of Green Marketing: Region (%), 20112012
Table 68: Drivers of Green Marketing: Turnover (%), 20112012
Table 69: Marketing of Green Credentials: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 70: Marketing of Green Credentials: Region (%), 20112012
Table 71: Marketing of Green Credentials: Turnover (%), 20112012
Table 72: Effective Channels of Promotion: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Table 73: Effective Channels of Promotion: Region (%), 20112012
Table 74: Effective Channels of Promotion: Turnover (%), 20112012
Table 75: Flag-Bearing Companies in the Power Industry, 20112012
Table 76: Survey Results - Closed Questions
Figure 2: Perception of Sustainability: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 3: Perception of Sustainability: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 4: Perception of Sustainability: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 5: Sustainability in Business Functions: Buyers (%), 20112012
Figure 6: Sustainability in business functions - suppliers
Figure 7: Sustainability in Business Functions: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 8: Sustainability in Business Functions: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 9: Key Drivers of Sustainability: Buyers vs. Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 10: Key Drivers of Sustainability: Buyers (%), 20112012
Figure 11: Key Drivers of Sustainability: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 12: Key Drivers of Sustainability: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 13: Key Drivers of Sustainability: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 14: Major Barriers to Sustainability: Buyers (%), 20112012
Figure 15: Major Barriers to Sustainability: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 16: Major Barriers to Sustainability: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 17: Major Barriers to Sustainability: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 18: Key Markets for Growth (%), 20112012
Figure 19: Key Markets for Growth: Fossil Fuel Power Generation Companies (%), 20112012
Figure 20: Key Markets for Growth: Other Power Generation Companies (%), 20112012
Figure 21: Key Markets for Growth: Power Industry Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 22: Key Markets for Growth: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 23: Key Markets for Growth: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 24: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Buyers (%), 20112012
Figure 25: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 26: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 27: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 28: Implementation of Sustainable Measures: Fossil Fuel Power Companies (%), 20112012
Figure 29: Implementation of Sustainable Measures: Other Power Companies (%), 20112012
Figure 30: Implementation of Sustainable Measures: Power Industry Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 31: Implementation of Sustainable Measures: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 32: Implementation of sustainable measures - turnover
Figure 33: Key Energy Efficiency Measures: Fossil Fuel Power Generation Companies (%), 20112012
Figure 34: Key Energy Efficiency Measures: Other Power Generation Companies (%), 20112012
Figure 35: Key Energy Efficiency Measures: Power Industry Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 36: Key Energy Efficiency Measures: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 37: Key Energy Efficiency Measures: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 38: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability: Power Industry Buyers (%), 20112012
Figure 39: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability: Power Industry Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 40: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 41: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 42: Cost Saving Expectations: Buyers (%), 20112012
Figure 43: Cost Saving Expectations: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 44: Cost Saving Expectations: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 45: Cost Saving Expectations: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 46: Impact of Sustainability on Profits of Buyers (%), 20112012
Figure 47: Impact of Sustainability on Profits of Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 48: Impact of Sustainability on Profits of Region (%), 20112012
Figure 49: Impact of Sustainability on Profits of Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 50: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Buyers (%), 20112012
Figure 51: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 52: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 53: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 54: Critical Factors for Supplier Selection: Fossil Fuel Power Generation Companies (%), 2011
Figure 55: Critical Factors for Supplier Selection: Other Power Generation Companies (%), 2011
Figure 56: Critical Factors for Supplier Selection: Region (%), 2011
Figure 57: Critical Factors for Supplier Selection: Turnover (%), 2011
Figure 58: Critical Factors for Supplier Selection: Senior Level Respondents (%), 2011
Figure 59: Level of Supplier Engagement - Buyers (%), 2011
Figure 60: Level of Supplier Engagement: Region (%), 2011
Figure 61: Level of Supplier Engagement: Turnover (%), 2011
Figure 62: Expenditure on Sustainable Procurement - Buyers (%), 2011
Figure 63: Expenditure on Sustainable Procurement : Region (%), 2011
Figure 64: Expenditure on Sustainable Procurement : Turnover (%), 2011
Figure 65: Attributes of Green Procurement: Fossil Fuel Power Generation Companies (%), 20112012
Figure 66: Attributes of Green Procurement: Other Power Generation Companies (%), 20112012
Figure 67: Attributes of Green Procurement: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 68: Attributes of Green Procurement: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 69: Procurement of Sustainable Products and Services: Power Industry Buyers (%), 20112012
Figure 70: Procurement of Sustainable Products and Services (%), 20112012
Figure 71: Procurement of Sustainable Products and Services: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 72: Drivers of Green Marketing: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 73: Drivers of Green Marketing: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 74: Drivers of Green Marketing: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 75: Marketing of Green Credentials: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 76: Marketing of Green Credentials: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 77: Marketing of Green Credentials: Turnover (%), 20112012
Figure 78: Effective Channels of Promotion: Suppliers (%), 20112012
Figure 79: Effective Channels of Promotion: Region (%), 20112012
Figure 80: Effective Channels of Promotion: Turnover (%), 20112012
Sustainability in the Global Power Industry 20112012: Market Trends and Opportunities, Profitability and Budget Forecasts, Power Industry Procurement and Marketing Initiatives
Thursday, December 15, 2011
1 Introduction
List of Table:
Table 1: Total Global Power Industry Survey Respondents by Company Type, 2011
List of Charts:
Figure 1: Perception of sustainability - buyers
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